MBCA Logo NEPA Section
Mercedes-Benz Club of America
The NEPA Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America
serves Pennsylvania's Northeast.

(Return to upcoming Events)   2020 Events Archive

NorthEast PA Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America
  • Tue Mar 10, 7:00 PM - NEPA Section Board Meeting – NEPA Section Event

  • Thu Apr 16, 6:00 PM Cancelled - NEPA Spring Dinner – NEPA Section Event

  • Sat May 16 Cancelled - NEPA Day Drive – NEPA Section Event

  • Sun Jun 7, 9 AM - 4 PM Cancelled - Concours d'Elegance aka The Elegance at Hershey Hershey, PA

  • Tue Jun 9, 7:00 PM Cancelled - NEPA Section Board Meeting – NEPA Section Event

  • Sat Jun 20, 1 - 5 PM Cancelled - NEPA Summer Picnic - Covered Bridge Park

  • Sat Jun 20   Cancelled - 57th Annual June Jamboree – Regional Northern NJ Section & S NJ

  • Sat Jul 11, 8 AM - 4 PM Cancelled - Deutsche Classic Oley Fairgrounds near Reading
    "Next show is on Saturday July 10 2021"

  • Sun Aug 2, 8 AM - 4 PM Cancelled - Das Awkscht Fescht Macungie PA

  • Sat Aug 8(, Rain Date 9th) - New Hope Car Show
    "This year we are planning something a little different."

  • Tue Sep 1, 7:00 PM - NEPA Section Board Meeting – NEPA Section Event

  • Sun Sep 20 Cancelled - Day Drive – NEPA Section Event

  • Sat Oct 3 - Fall Frolic Road Rally – NEPA Section Event
    Our popular Fall Road Rally is scheduled to be held Saturday October 3rd, 2020. This rally is planned to be held in order to give us all a chance to enjoy our cars and fellowship in spite of Covod 19. We will, of course, request all participants bring along their masks to be worn at the beginning and end of the rally for when we interact with each other. The rally will begin in the parking lot of the Coopersburg Diner located on Route 309 approximately 10 miles South of Allentown PA. The Diner is currently open for breakfast, but due to the unpredictability of the virus, we will update its status as we get closer to the Rally date. The rally will be held whether or not the diner is open. The rally will begin promptly with a 9:45 AM drivers meeting in the parking lot at which time your rally master will hand out and explain the rules of the road and general instructions for this rally followed by the Rally start about 10 AM.
    This year our rally will consist of only one leg beginning with breakfast on your own. This one leg route proved popular with participants last year and will be the format used again in this rally. The rally should take less than two hours to run and will end in a parking lot across the street from a McDonalds, so everyone can satisfy their appetite while the rally results are being calculated.
    If you are a member of our club, a sister club, or a potential club member who would like to try your hand in one of our club rallies, we suggest you give it a try. All models of Mercedes cars, any year, any type are welcome and encouraged to participate. If for some reason your Mercedes is unavailable, you may use another car. No previous experience necessary and virtually all who have attended our rallies in the past have enjoyed the experience.
    As we have always said our rally is in no way a race, so take all the time you need to complete the task. The rally is simply a contest in which you follow a predetermined route while searching for answers to questions whose answers can be found along the way. Our hope is everyone will enjoy the ride. Few, if any, will be able to answer all the questions correctly, but after all, someone must win the rally.
    For safety we require at least two people in each car (a driver and a navigator), however additional people are welcome in each car. As noted above, members of sister Mercedes clubs and potential club members are, as always, invited to attend.

  • Tue Nov 17, 7:00 PM - Planning for 2021 events – NEPA Section Event
    Virtual Meeting
    This will be a membership meeting and all NEPA members are invited to participate via phone or Internet. You will need to contact our Vice President Roger Egolf who will be hosting the online meeting, so he can send you a link for the meeting. If you need help and/or want a practice session, he will help you with that. If you don't have Internet access for your laptop, tablet, or desktop, let Roger know and we will see what we can do for you to join.

  • Thu Dec 17, 6:00 PM Cancelled - Christmas/Holiday Dinner

This page last updated at 14:35:56 EDT on May 27, 2021.
Our Bylaws state: All events of the Section shall be limited to members of the MBCA and their invited guests.
All motoring events shall be limited to Mercedes-Benz automobiles.
(Unless specifically waived by the Directors.)

Please send your questions and/or comments to the Webmaster.

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